Office No. 303, 3rd Floor, Plot No. 13 – C, Khy-e-Ittehad, Lane -1, Phase VI, D.H.A, Karachi

Thirteen two-day classroom trainings were conducted for health service providers working at the intervention sites. The trainings were conducted from July to December out of which three were conducted in Lahore and one in Karachi.

Interactive sessions in this training help the participants to understand the population scenario of Pakistan and country’s commitment towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Family Planning 2020. Participants are updated on contraceptive technology, WHO Medical Eligibility Criteria and postpartum family planning with special focus on postpartum IUCD (PPIUCD).

As a result, a total of 198 SBAs were trained 141 in Punjab and 57 in Karachi.

PPFP and PPIUCD Training for Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs)
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